The master of software development
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, though about the universe I'm still not quite sure.
© Albert Einstein
Dimitri Kulk
- I am developing software since the begin of my study in the university.
- Last 20 years it is my main profession.
- I have studied the mathematics in depth.
- In particular, graph theory, combinatorics, theory of computation, logic.
- I also spend a lot of time to learn new technologies.
- The number of programming languages I used is more than 20.
- Of course, I am proficient in all the technologies related to the software development:
- git, CI/CD, ticket tracking, team cooperation and so on.
- I enjoy to share my knowledge with my younger colleagues and we become good friends usually.
- • More than 20 years of solid software development of them the last 15 years mainly web-solutions
- • The technologies: Ruby on Rails v. 2 bis 7 full stack: haml, jbuilder, graphQL, sass, hotwire, coffeescript, ES6, jquery, Vue.js, Stimulus, etc.
- • The experience in other languages: ruby, python, c, c++, golang, rust, javascript, coffeescript, ES6, …. In total there are more than 20 ones.
- • More than 20 years of experience in creating SQL queries and optimising them
- • Excellent skills also in the field of code refactoring
- • Software architecture design
- • The degree in Computer Science. Deep knowledge in the theory of computations, graph theory
- • Bug-tracking: RedMine, Jira, Trac, Pivotal, FogBugz, …
- • Experience in the deployment to the range of platforms including dedicated servers with the tools like capistrno, mina, docker
- • More than 15 successful WEB solutions implemented
- • Experience in project management (SCRUM, KANBAN)
- • Excellent knowledge of Linux
- • The degree in computer science. In-depth knowledge of the theory of computation, graph theory